Research 101

Brief training videos designed to help you master the art of research in the online library. 

Online Libraries

Online libraries are vastly different from physical libraries you may be used to. In this introduction to online libraries you will learn:

Pajama research parties are officially encouraged.

Search Basics

Finding useful content in the library is a breeze with these basic search tips. In this tutorial on searching the library you will learn: 

Wading through an ocean of search results is no one's idea of a good time.

Advanced Search Techniques

Become a search ninja (throwing stars not required). Advanced Search techniques will teach you: 

Warning: May cause uncontrollable knowledge binges.

Research Tips

Sometimes learning from those who've gone before has great dividends. In this tutorial you'll learn: 

Adulting is hard. Research shouldn't be

Using My Ebsco

Our library search platform offers some powerful and unique ways to save your research. In this video we'll teach you how to: 

Your brain will thank you for the extra storage space.

Database Searches

Sometimes finding the right article feels like looking for a needle in a haystack. This tutorial will highlight:

Databases: They're not just for librarians anymore.